"VPS's" on the GO - Would LET be interested?

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Hey LET,

I've been more of a lurker around the LET forums for the past couple of years. Nonetheless ever since VirtKick was introduced, I loved the idea. - However when they switched from open-source to a SaaS solution, I was completely turned off and ever since decided to integrate their interfaces with a backend like 'proxmox' (I'm not going to reveal what backend however, and since the opensource version of Virtkick also includes the interfaces - I'm within my rights to use it).

Over the last week it's been on its final stages - Basically I just finished the automation platform (Signup-> Account automatically created) in ClientExec's billing software.

Basically so far, you can create your own machines at any time (each 256mb of resources comes with it's own IP, so if you purchase a 2GB plan you will be able to create either 8 vps's or 1 vps with upto 8 IP's - You get the point. - You can delete the servers, reinstall them or Add/Remove Ip's)

The platform won't be a 'true-cloud solution' - DigitalOcean style cloud (no h/a, load balancers, etc) - and available at a lowend price (basically the same pricing on what current providers here will be offering).

It will however be similar to DigitalOcean's servers - Except with the ability to chose your own Virtualization on the creating process (So far between OVZ & KVM - I could implement Xen if it gets popularity)

It will have DNS integration & an Application Launcher (Launch from 50+ applications in a click, using turnkeys prebuilt templates for OVZ)

KVM Will have the ability to create windows machines too. Basically the only thing left is Hourly billing - Would you guys be interested even if hourly billing is not implemented?

Thanks and let me know what you guys think.

If you'd like to be notified once the service is operational - Please follow this link: http://ift.tt/1HzpFG4

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