Company Name for incorporation

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I'm currently looking to incorporate a company in the USA. Until today I wanted to use the name I've always used Infolink Global. However I've noticed that ServerPronto/FortaTrust is using the same name. I've checked with my lawyer and there'd be no conflicts, as it's not a trademark and the business wouldn't be incorporated in the same state. However they're known as being scammers, so I'd rather like to change my company name before incorporating the business. I would like a name, something which I can use for a lot of different services. Here is a list of guidelines: * The name should start with Dynamic (example: Dynamic Network Services). * The name should be short as possible. * The name should be pronounceable in English. If it's pronounceable in other languages it's a bonus. * The name should be as unique as possible. * The domain .com should be available. And you get lots of bonus points if .com is available as too. * No trademark should be registered. * More requirements may be added at any time.

The most important thing is that you're be creative. You don't have to meet all the guidelines listed about (except the first one), but it makes it more likely your name will be choosed.

Of course I don't expect you to do this for free, so I'm giving away credits (at least $20 and even more depending on how good the name is) for my new VPS brand to the person that comes up with the best name!

Regards, Alec


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