LLMP - Linux + Lighttpd + MariaDB + PHP-FPM on RHEL 7

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I've made a simple autoinstaller for a LLMP stack on RHEL 7 based Linux distributions such as CentOS 7 or Scientific Linux 7 about a week ago or something.

http://ift.tt/1ohytaA has inspired me to post it here but I am also also aware that you all might label it as useless like you did with the guys script from the link above. At least I've not put up some ultra huge script to do the whole simple setup process. Mine is just pure installation via the commands, some configurations that are required, a low resource MySQL config and stuff like firewalld, iptables, permission, etc... Much smaller and simplier.

So in short: It installs the components, proper configurations for LEBs and to make PHP-FPM work with Lighttpd, opens the required ports and sets the right permission for the folder. And as a extra it creates a phpinfo file so you can instantly check whether everything works over http://vpsipordomain/info.php . Doc root is as default: /var/www/lighttpd - feel free to add vHosts yourself, it's easy enough.

Download the installer:

wget http://ift.tt/1ya4UZD -O - |bash

Have fun. Original topic if you are interested: http://ift.tt/1okLvV1

Soon going to serve the script from my own server when I have page for my stuffs.



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