Java support for Web application is being phased out. Starting from NPAPI deprecation, the process is going on. I have encountered very negative consequences of that when it turned out Java is the only way to access a VPS console in absence of connectivity to it.
Google Chrome doesn't support it starting from version 35. Firefox, formally, still can be used with Java, but damned thing crashed the entire browser. And so on and so forth. Some ancient Opera installation was able to do the trick, after much tuning from Java security console.
Since Oracle doesn't wish to address Web-related Java vulnerabilities, nor it is eager to embrace NPAPI alternatives to re-add Java to browsers, question is: why the hell Web software, such as WHM, VPS control panels, still utilizes highly insecure Java elements?
To the best of my knowledge, known problems allow Java applet to have highly escalated access to the computer running it in browser. I.e., apart from risking your computer's data , or by using a VM that is immediately destroyed after use, running Java is a problem.
Question to hosters is: do you still allow Java applets remain in software your users use to control their hosting assets? If yes, why?
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