ipsystemsltd scams

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So, apparently, ipsystemsltd scams.

27 Feb 2015: 2 servers are bought: http://ift.tt/1DL38q1 http://ift.tt/1a7xvcv

Both servers aren't automatically deployed.

27 Feb 2015: Ticket opened. Ticket gets closed without an answer: http://ift.tt/1DL38q3

3 March 2015: Still nothing delivered, paypal conflict opened: http://ift.tt/1a7xx4a http://ift.tt/1DL38q5

PayPal conflict goes unanswered for 8 days, therefore escalated to PayPal. PayPal decides to favor ipsystemstld and decides against the buyer: http://ift.tt/1a7xx4c

End-result: Buyer lost 24$ and received nothing.

Disclaimer: That's not me, but it was brought to my attention by a friend.



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