RAID 1 / RAID 0 / RAID 10

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Wondering --?

At any point correct me if i'm wrong

Raid 1 - copy the same data across 2 hard drives. Raid 0 - Blocks striped. Raid 10 - Both Raid1+Raid0 combined.

Main confusion is about Raid 1

But it is at the end down to luck so why even go for raid 1 since you never knew when your 2 drives could fail. So is there a point in using your second disk as a copy. what i mean is if you were to use raid1 it will be 2 x 1 TB so your tech. losing out on 1 TB of space right? and at any point both could fail anyways.

So what i'm trying to get at

Why not just configure raid0 and then do backups on your own?

Is this a viable option for hosts? / forums / whatever else.

Of course if you can pay for the 4x1 TB raid 10 then by all means go for it.

What do you guys think?


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