Virtualizor 2.7.1 Released

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The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 2.7.1 This version has some features and some bug fixes. The following is a list of changes in this version:

[Feature] Added search for the left menu in Admin panel. Admins can now just search easily instead of scrolling the options.

[Feature] Added a setting to delete Users with no VPS. Admins will need to enable this feature.

[Feature] Added a setting to delete OS Templates on slave nodes, if the setting is enabled. This will consume more bandwidth as the templates will be downloded on the slave if a VPS is created / rebuilt.

[Feature] Added the Multi delete options in the List VMs, Users and IP pages.

[Feature] Added Multi VM Suspension and Unsuspension on the List VPS Page.

[Feature] Windows password strength checker has been added. If the template has "windows" in its name, the windows password strength will apply. This is to adhere to the Windows Password scheme in various Windows OS.

[Task] List Users and List IP pages are now showed in table.

[Task] The number of Cloud users will be displayed on the Admin Dashboard.

[Task] Templates which were not there as per Virtualizor but which had the OS Template file in the /var/virtualzor template folders were deleted to save space. We have now added an exception to not delete symlinks.

[Task] All logging will be in one directory now /var/virtualizor/log

[Task] Logs of different VPS, will now be stored seperately. e.g. a VPS rebuild log can be found in /var/virtualizor/log/rebuid/VPSID.log instead of the old /tmp/rebuild.log

[Task] The background scripts Logging has been improved. More details will be logged which can help to debug any error.

[Task] The Windows Template creator tool will now use the new storage code. However only block devices are supported as of now.

[Task] Improved search for the Users and IP wizard.

[Task] The OpenVZ importer has been improved. Orphan OpenVZ VMs can be imported in Virtualizor.

[Task] For Xen XL, device model will now qemu-xen-traditional

[Task] In KVM the VPS Name scheme has been changed to prefix a "v" char.

[Bugfix] Migration was failing for KVM and Xen VMs. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] If an admin saved the Master Settings the CRON time was removed from the cron file. This is fixed now and was introduced in version 2.6.3. Due to this bug some Master nodes would not have been updated to the latest version. They will need to perform a manual update to get to the latest version :

[Bugfix] The ISO list was not syncing with the slaves. This is now fixed.

[Bugfix] In Xen with XL the full Pygrub path /usr/bin/pygrub was written to the VPS config file which showed an error while starting the VM. This is fixed and changed to specify only "prygrub"

[Bugfix] The SolusVM WHMCS importer had some bugs which prevented the conversion to Virtualizor. This is now fixed.

[Bugfix] The Node RAM was not showing accuratele with the latest CentOS 7 update. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] On OpenVZ Nodes, unsuspend operation was not performed successfully in some cases. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] MAC address could not be blanked once it was set for an IP. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] OpenVZ Backup/Restore Email was not sent to users. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] If there were individual IPs of a slave (i.e. not in any IP Pool), they were not synced. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] In Xen with XL, soundhw = all caused an issue. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] In Xen with XL the free RAM of the node was not detected properly. This is fixed.

[Bugfix] In KVM, some VMs failed to start with UUID. This is now fixed.

Full Article :

Virtualizor supports OpenVZ, Xen, XenServer and Linux-KVM on CentOS and Ubuntu and they all can be managed from the Master. We are adding more features and if you have any suggestions, do let us know. We hope you enjoy this version of Virtualizor.

Regards, The Virtualizor Team


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