VPN.sh - Dedicated IP VPN Offer - Seattle | New York | Dallas - From £10/year

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Hey LET,

So for the last 18 months or so at VPN.sh we've been mainly running a service where you get access to a bunch of locations and share your IP with other clients. We briefly offered dedicated IP's in the UK, but had to pull them after a few months unfortunately.

Today we're announcing the option to get hold of a VPN with a dedicated IP in either Dallas, Seattle or New York for as little as £10/year!

Services are manually provisioned, so there's a 24 hour setup time on this - and we're just having some tweaks on our New York network, so any orders there will be activated on Tuesday.

This service runs on OpenVPN, and ports can be opened within the client area.

The pricing for this is very limited, and once we're sold out, new stock will be at a higher pricing. The pricing here is purely for the introductory offer that we're putting out today, as it's not even advertised on our website just yet.

Package Information:

Seattle: 750GB/month bandwidth - £10/year - Order Now

New York: 750GB/month bandwidth - £10/year - Order Now

Dallas: 1TB/month bandwidth - £12/year - Order Now

Payment Information:

We accept both PayPal and Bitcoin

If you have any questions, or would like a custom plan based upon your bandwidth requirements, feel free to send me a PM.

Thanks, Liam



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