css3 question

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table#tablepress-1 tr.row-2.td.column-8,
table#tablepress-1 tr.row-2.td.column-9,
table#tablepress-1 tr.row-2.td.column-10,
table#tablepress-1 tr.row-2.td.column-11,
table#tablepress-1 tr.row-2.td.column-12 {
background-color: #f0ad4e;

I have that code in style.css

And I want add tablepress-2 and tablepress-3 also

I will do make it like taht.

table#tablepress-1 table#tablepress-2 table#tablepress-3 tr.row-2.td.column-8,
table#tablepress-1 table#tablepress-2 table#tablepress-3 tr.row-2.td.column-9,
table#tablepress-1 table#tablepress-2 table#tablepress-3 tr.row-2.td.column-10,
table#tablepress-1 table#tablepress-2 table#tablepress-3 tr.row-2.td.column-11,
table#tablepress-1 table#tablepress-2 table#tablepress-3tr tr.row-2.td.column-12 {
background-color: #f0ad4e;

But, It's doesn't work.

How can I coding for working and dieat code? Plz rent your knowledge?

Thank you for watching


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