Do Not Use ChicagoVPS!!!!

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I know this has been brought up before but it can't be said enough.

Here's my story...... One of 100's i'm sure

Thursday, July 10th, 2014 --- I notice my VPS is down Friday, July 11th, 2014 --- I'm informed all my data is gone.

I scramble though backups, and get all my data back, on other VPS providers, and do not touch my blank ChicagoVPS for a bit.

Thursday, July 31st, 2014 --- Ubuntu 14.04 is a template on the website. I go to install it and it does not work.

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014 --- There's alot of back and forth between myself and support between here and they decide they need to move me to a different node with a different IP, which is fine by me, so they do this and tell me my VPS is ready. I log in and it's Ubuntu 12.04. Looking back at my experience I should have just kept this :( They say ok and will reinstall 14.04. Later that day they say there is a problem and it'll take 24 - 48 hours to do this.

Thursday, August 7th, 2014 --- They write back "Well, ubuntu 14.04 template is not available right now. For the time being, please use ubuntu 12." Sure enough the template is gone off their website. I guess that's one way to fix the problem. No longer support the OS. I ask for a cancellation and they ask if they can move me to a node with ubuntu 14.04 is available. I say to them because I have no data and don't care about IP that is fine. They then say "There is no free kvm node available in our datacenter. We will create it in next 2 days." I get mad and ask for a refund, which they will not give me.

Friday, August 15th, 2014 --- I attempt to get a VPS again since they will not give me my money back. I settle for Ubuntu 12.04, they install CentOS. I go to reinstall Ubuntu 12.04, and of course it does not work. I open ticket and get the response "We have installed ubuntu 13+ as there was problem with ubuntu 12 template. "

Saturday, August 16th -- I explain that I run software that only works on LTR Ubuntu releases of with 13.04 is not, and magically the template issue is fixed. Holy crap, I actually have a Ubuntu 12.04 server I can Login to. They even extend my service 2 months for free for all the trouble. So i'm now actually feeling better about this company. But that feeling was short lived.

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 --- Although, oddly during the install of software the VPS crashed 2x, I didn't think much of it. But Tuesday & Wednesday the vps crashed every 4 hours or so. I'd have to log into the client area and click boot. I opened a ticket then got a response 5 hours later "Please check now . your server is online ." I dropped the matter, mostly because althought I did the software install I had no "production" data on it. over the next few days the VPS still kept crashing.

Sunday, August 24th --- I opened another ticket because the VPS keeps dropping.

Monday, August 25th --- Support finally get's back to me with this response "If you want we can setup new server for you on new node. Please advise"

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 -- I say ok then they reinstall my server on a new node. Of course as before It was CentOS instead of Ubuntu. They reinstall ubuntu and of course same problems, but this time it's very easy to recreate. Just do an apt-get dist-upgrade on the VPS and it'll crash the during the install

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 --- Support asks "Do you have anything installed on this KVM? I could create you a new one on our newest node to prevent any problems." It's the same tech, so you would think he would know I have nothing on it, but I say Ok.

Thursday, August 28th --- He moves my server to the new node. Guess what? He installs CentOS instead of Ubuntu. I got angry at this point and among other things asked him to reinstall Ubuntu 12.04, which isn't really what I want, but the best they can do.

Friday, August 29th --- Still no reinstall I ask why? Get response "We do apologies currently our main node is under maintenance and due to that server is down. It will be fixed in next 8-12 hours."

Saturday, August 30th, 2014 (Today) --- Get Response "We are sorry for inconvenience caused to you, Your server is working fine, Please check with your new password: 20PKJQVL" I log into the server, run command. Guess what It Crashes.

With every response I send them, I beg for a refund. I just want to be done with them. My VPS is only cost $20 for the year. It's crazy they haven't just refunded me the money. It's cost them at least that much in man hours. From what I've read this story is not out of the norm with this company. Check out these links for more complaints including ones from the BBB.


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